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Vanco Kirovski - 078 364 075

Photo: Emli Bendixen
I was born in 1968 in Kochani. I started beekeeping in 1993, when I bought my first three honey bee colonies in old traditional skeps (small conical hives made of straw).
In my beekeeping practice so far, I have personally tried all conventional and organic methods and technologies and today I can say with certainty that the best method is sustainable beekeeping, with the application of biotechnical methods: “Brood removal” and “Queen caging”. I believe that we can improve and combine these methods for more productive beekeeping.
I keep around 100 bee colonies, and I move them to various locations. The most important segments for good beekeeping are education, the application of adequate technologies, good equipment, implementing the activities in the apiary on time and well, and leaving the bees to make honey the best way possible.
As the president of the Honey East core group, I have to underline that our success and the results of each of us individually are the result of the selfless support by the Farmahem team from Skopje, which is coordinating the Nature Conservation Programme (NCP), project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The most important thing in my opinion is to be involved in beekeeping with love, patience and persistence for the bees.
Phone number: 078 364 075

Фото: Emli Bendixen