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Toni Dimitrov - 070 213 545

My name is Toni Dimitrov, I was born in July 1969 in Kochani, where I live and work.
I started raising bees in 2001 with three honey bee colonies. Currently I have around 100 honey bee colonies at three locations. One apiary is in the plains and is a reproduction centre, while the other two apiaries are in Osogovo, in Krushka, at 900 meters above sea level. Most of the honey is mountain honey, made in a clean ecological environment.
I take care of the bees myself, while my son helps out when he has free time. In the beginning beekeeping was a hobby, but with time the number of honey bee colonies grew and it is no longer a hobby, because it requires lots of effort and investment. I am employed, so my time after work, from March to September, is fully planned with activities around the bees. It is a great pleasure for me to work at the apiaries, because the buzzing of the bees and their perfect organization relaxes me mentally. The bee products I produce sustainably have an added value, not just because they are sourced at the beautiful nature in Osogovo, but also because of the certification system for monitoring and control that the Honey East association established with the certification mark “Sustainably made honey and other bee products”. Honey is an excellent natural product for people’s health, so you can freely consume the Honey East honey.
Phone number: 070 213 545
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