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Slobodan Micevski - 070 111 222

My name is Slobodan Micevski, I was born in 1960 in the village of Negrevo, near Pehchevo.
I have been involved in beekeeping since I was a child, when the first honey bee colony was brought to my family as a present from the village of Umlena and since then the beekeeping tradition has been going on strong.
I have three apiaries located in Pijanec and Malesh:
- the village of Negrevo
- the village of Crnik
- at Kadiica (Bukovi) at 1500 meters above sea level.
I use Langstroth-Root and Dadant-Blatt bee hives. I produce mainly meadow honey, from white clover, wild thyme, cotton thistle and wild cherry.
My two sons also show interest in continuing the beekeeping tradition, and I hope that my grandson would also show interest in the future. One of the sons already completed the training organised by the Nature Conservation Programme and helps in family beekeeping.
Raising bees is very interesting and important, it maintains the world. I am particularly impressed by how hardworking and disciplined bees are. They are important for my family from an economic point of view as well. In addition to beekeeping, I also grow fruits; these two activities complement each other, resulting in greater yields from my orchard.
Phone number: 070 111 222
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