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Nikolco Velkovski - 072 228 819

My name is Nikolcho Velkovski. I was born in 1971 in Delchevo and I currently live in Pehchevo.
I started raising bees in 1998. At first I had two bee colonies, while now I have 40. My apiary is stationary, at 1000 meters above sea level, in an ecologically clean area with a multitude of meadow and forest flowers.
I am committed to ecological beekeeping with the application of environmentally acceptable practices, which we develop in the Core Group for sustainable beekeeping in the Bregalnica Region Honey East. Beekeeping can be a nice hobby, as well as a good family business. I am convinced that I will rear bees for the rest of my life. It is a good mix of a hobby and a good family business.
Phone number: 072 228 819