Move the photo in all directions for a better view of the apiary.
Miki Jancov - 072 665 240

I was born in 1997 in the village of Grljani, near Vinica.
My family has been involved in beekeeping for quite some time, but we started doing it more seriously after I attended the training organised by the Nature Conservation Programme. My sister Magdalena Janchova (1996) is involved in all beekeeping responsibilities. Beekeeping has always been a hobby for her in which she finds great pleasure. We have two apiaries and around 100 honey bee colonies.
Our bees are located in an ecologically clean hilly area, so we produce natural and mostly mountain honey. Bees make us feel fulfilled and that is why we are always striving to learn new things and apply new, better and alternative biotechnical methods in bee rearing, such as queen caging and brood removal.
Beekeepers can be only people who love bees, who are primarily concerned about their wellbeing and are aware that they don’t always necessarily make profit. However, the survival of bees should not be important only for beekeepers, but for everyone equally due to their huge importance.
Phone number: 072 665 240