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Marjanco Arsov - 078 227 161

My name is Marjancho Arsov, I was born in 1974 in Probishtip. I have been an active beekeeper since 1996. Previously my parents had around 15 bee colonies.
Currently we have approximately 200 honey bee colonies in three apiaries in the villages of Pishica and Ratavica, as well as a mobile apiary in various locations in the eastern part of Macedonia. I also have more than 200 mating nucs for the production of queen bees and nuclei.
Most of the activities in the apiaries are my responsibility; however family members as well as other beekeepers help with certain activities.
Our beekeeping activities are focused on taking advantage of the natural conditions and potentials of the region to produce various bee products: honey, propolis, beeswax, pollen, royal jelly, bee venom, queen bees and nuclei.
Our efforts and commitment to beekeeping have been confirmed and verified with the numerous medals and certificates by renowned institutes at international evaluation of the quality of honey and bee products.
Even though I am an experienced beekeeper, by membership in the Honey East core group is a challenge, because I have the opportunity to acquire and exchange new experiences and knowledge about sustainable beekeeping methods.
Phone number: 078 227 161