Move the photo in all directions for a better view of the apiary.
Lazo Krumov - 078 291 493

I was born in the village of Gorni Podlog near Kochani in 1994; I am a young beekeeper and because of my work obligations I often stay in Skopje.
I started raising bees four years ago. My entrance into the world of bees was interesting. A close friend of mine told me that there is a three month-training for young people who would like to acquire basic knowledge about bees. I had no previous knowledge about beekeeping and it was a challenge to learn how to do it and how to apply biotechnical methods in order to avoid damaging chemicals. As a young beginner in beekeeping I was given three honey bee colonies at the training. Since then I enjoy the bees’ company.
Currently we have 50 bee colonies, with plans to expand. I have had several apiaries at different heights, and my current stationary apiary is in the village of Nivichani, at around 700 meters above sea level. The honey produced in this region is meadow-mountain honey. I have huge help from my father and uncle to ensure the normal functioning of the apiary. Our aim is to turn beekeeping into a serious family business.
Although my beekeeping experience is modest, I have learned interesting things about bees and their importance globally. Everyone involved in beekeeping, whether as a hobby or professionally, is at an advantage because through the process of producing honey and other bee products we get closer to nature and thus think about how beneficial it is and how we should conserve it. If we give something to nature, it can pay it back double directly to us and indirectly to everyone around us. That is why I am an active member of the Honey East association, where we are committed to producing honey sustainably, in line with our motto: people for the bees, honey-sweet for everyone!
In my opinion, it is of key importance to inform and acquaint people from the youngest age about the huge significance of bees and their products, and maybe the most important of all, how to treat them ethically and commit to their conservation.
Phone number: 078 291 493