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Daniela Stankova - 075 303 520

I was born in 1975 in the village of Krupishe. I started raising bees in 2016 and now I am a registered farmer – beekeeper.
I gained my knowledge about beekeeping at the basic and advanced training for production of bee products, organised by the Nature Conservation Programme (NCP). I began with three bee colonies that I was given by NCP, and currently I raise bees sustainably in the village of Zhiganci, with around 80 bee colonies, with the application of biotechnical methods. The Brood removal method is the most adequate for me and the easiest to implement. Depending on the conditions I also do mobile beekeeping.
Being part of the bees’ world is a particular privilege and I am glad that I can dedicate my time to this noble profession.
I hope that in the future fruit growers and people in general will be more committed to preservation of nature and bees, which are of great importance for our survival. I cooperate with all beekeepers from the Honey East association; we exchange news and experiences for more efficient beekeeping and greater yields.
Phone number: 075 303 520